10 Tips Buying Discount Auto Insurance.

Post by Admin on Oct 1, 2011

There are several things you can do to get auto insurance discounts. Here are 10 great discounts that you can get.

1. Buy another policy for the carrier
A wider variety of policies with just one insurance company will help you get your premiums. If your homeowners policy with the insurer, your premiums for both normally be about 10-20% lower than standard rates.

2. Good driver discounts
This varies by state, but in California if you are licensed for three years before and had no more than one offense at that point and not in an at-fault accident resulting in death.

3. Professional Discounts
This is an auto insurance discount is offered to various groups of professionals such as engineers, scientists, teachers or doctors to name a few.

4. Renewal Discounts
The longer you have had with insurance companies, more profitable for them. As a result, they want you to make as the policy holder with the reforms typically offer discounts of up to 1% to 10%. This discount begins after 3-5 years and the bigger the longer you are with them.

5. Persistence Discounts
This is a small discount is offered to people who already have insurance contracts with no decrease in coverage.

6. Student discount
Discounts for student discounts usually apply to people under 25 years is a full-time student, unmarried, and meet the quality requirements of insurance companies. Usually an average requirement class B.

7. Repair or anti-theft system
This is a discount on comprehensive coverage for alarm or theft recovery system. This is one that you would be smart to consider because the cost of repairing an alarm system or not worth the potential savings.

8. Multi-Vehicle Discount
With more than your vehicle has a driver will assist in getting a lower price. When a single vehicle with more than one operator, the tariffs will be discounted because the level of use of each vehicle will tend to decline and exposure to risk also decreases.

9. Mileage Rating
If you drive less than 12,000 miles a year your premium will generally be reduced. The only problem with rebates is that if you drive more than a mile was reported, you may experience problems if you have a claim.

10. Passive limitation or Airbag Discounts
Buying a vehicle with an airbag or restraint usually get discounts for various levels of vehicle safety and increase the risk of loss.

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