10 Things You Can Do To Combat Rising Premiums

Post by Admin on Oct 1, 2011

Insurers use a variety of reasons to raise your premiums. This includes an increase in operating expenses, changes in risk, and your driving or claims history to name a few. There are several things you can do to combat rising premiums.

1. Call the insurance company. Ask them why premiums have risen and what they can do to reduce the cost of your policy.

2. Prevent accidents and tickets. It is obvious, but the most common reason premiums are increasing at-fault accident or moving violation tickets.

3. Improve your own risk. Some basic steps that you can use to lower your premium for the franchise to enhance the comprehensive and collision insurance.

4. Changing Insurance Companies. It is one thing, most insurance companies want to hear, and sometimes they work with you a bit to keep you as a customer.

5. A low or drop your coverage. This is another way to lower your premiums, but will reduce the amount of protection will give your insurance company if an accident does not happen.

6. Driving your car less. In some countries, your premium is based partly on the number of miles you drive per year. The average is usually between 12,000 to 15,000 miles per year. If you drive less, check with your insurance company and they should be able to provide a lower rate than the mileage shows the annual average.

7. Drive an older vehicle. When the car gets older, premiums go down. Avoid buying a new car if you do not need it because your premiums will likely go up if you are a new vehicle.

8. Drop collision and / or comprehensive coverage on older vehicles. If you have a car that is not worth much, check to see what you pay for coverage. The amount of premium and deductible costs and compare costs with the value of the vehicle as the first measure.

9. Did you get all the your discounts? Find out whether this increase is because insurance companies take a discount because they have not received the necessary information.

10. Does everyone on your policy from your car to use? Most insurance companies require that all people close to driving age driving age and a list of your policy.

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