United Healthcare Insurance.

Post by Admin on Oct 2, 2011

UnitedHealth Group is a publicly traded company that offers health related products and services to approximately 70 million people through four business segments and approximately 100 subsidiaries. The company has approximately 58,000 employees.

Health unions offer products through affiliates that are usually licensed as insurance companies or health maintenance organization, depends on several factors, including state regulations. Healthcare unified product strategy an effort to promote consumer choice, wide access to health care professionals, use of data and science to promote better results. UnitedHealthcare regulate access to discounts for health care through more than 520,000 physicians and other health care providers and 4700 hospitals in the United States.

Head of methods: a unified distribution system mainly consists of representatives of health insurance and direct sales and Internet sales for individual markets, which represents insurers in the small group market, and sales representative and consultant-based or other directly to large companies and public sector groups . Direct distribution efforts are generally limited to individual markets, part of a group of large companies and public sector, and cross-selling of specialty products for existing customers.

Maintenance Company: United Healthcare offers a comprehensive range of consumer-oriented health benefit plans and services for the public sector, small and medium enterprises and individuals across the country. For some products, such as UnitedHealth, risk insurance, administrative services performed for others, but risks remain with the customer. Small groups are more likely to risk-based products to buy, because they generally are unable or unwilling to greater potential liability for health care costs to bear, while large groups prefer Administrative Services only option.

Health union also offers a variety of non-employer based insurance options for purchase by individuals, which is designed to cover the health needs of consumers and their families to meet. Health unions offer products through affiliates that are usually licensed as insurance companies or health maintenance organization, depends on several factors, including state regulations.

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