Life Insurance In Economy

Post by Admin on Oct 4, 2011

Currently, the number of natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, volcanic eruptions or major accidents in the maritime, transportation, air and soil growing number of diseases. Is there a safe place for us?

It seems we have little choice and must continue to address the risk of disasters and losses caused by such disasters in the coming days. Also have to deal with the risk of death in the productive age, disability and old age. This risk is also relevant to the current economic crisis is the risk of job loss. All the risks that threaten the loss of family income.

Are we willing to bear the loss themselves when disaster strikes?. How great is our ability to cope, although there is a way if ekfektif. Or wisely shifted the risk of loss to an institution called the insurance company.

Universally, Insurance works to provide protection against all individuals, families and businesses from losses due to various risks of disaster and misfortune. This is a great social contribution of the insurance industry to the community.

Insurance companies offer a variety of products designed to meet the needs of the community ynag. Many products designed to protect customers from the economic risks associated with death, disability and other sakit.mProduk products can also help customers to raise money for the needs of your financial future, increasing wealth, accumulated wealth and protect them from risk of loss of income sources .

The insurance industry works to provide protection against losses such as loss of income due to side effects and high risk. Insurance companies are financial institutions that collect funds from the public in their raw form and then placing those funds in financial assets such as bonds, stocks traded on the stock, bank accounts, deposits, mutual funds and others.

That is, we buy insurance protection, indirectly contributing to the mobilization of public funds to be reinvested by the insurance companies in the economic system. Invesatsi insurance companies providing the funds needed by the company to operate and expand their business.

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