Cause Of The Insurance Money Is Not Paid

Post by Admin on Oct 18, 2011

The cases of bad-faith insurance company should be seen first problem, not generalized. That is, not only because insurance companies do not keep their promises, you think all insurance companies are not true. If the insurance money to be paid by the insurance company could be for many reasons. Well, this article will discuss what is the cause of the Life Insurance coverage is not paid to the customer.

Customer error
Not all errors in claims arising from insurance companies. It can also be caused by the customer. In general customers are the five mistakes:

1. Customer dishonesty
For example, questions on the written request, have you ever hospitalized in the last two years. If your answer is no, but was never hospitalized and a half ago. then, if it is death for you and the insurance company discovered that the cause of death was a result of the disease when they entered the hospital for about six months, so do not expect the insurance company will pay what they promised.

2. Exemption from the insurance company to pay the sum assured.
In general, insurance companies vary memilii exceptions. However, such as: death due to suicide, the person who committed the crime, AIDS, critical illness, force majeure. Often, the exception contained in the policy were not read by the client, so feel aggrieved when the insured amount is not paid by insurance. Therefore, if you have an insurance policy, time to read the items contained in the policy.

3. The client is too old to make a claim
In general, insurance companies set a limit to file an insurance claim. Generally, the deadline of three months. Fuss, customers tend to make claims after the deadline, so the insurance company is difficult to make it happen.

4. Requirements when filing a claim is less complete
Insurance companies usually require a series of requirements to file a claim, it is true that there is a risk of death in people who are closed. Often the requirement is not met or completed by the beneficiary customer, the insurance company directly so that certainly can not pay their claims.

5. Premiums are not paid by the customer within a certain time period
If you fail to pay premiums according to the period of time, your insurance policy may be canceled. This means that no longer covered by insurance. This is what often happens. In the early days, customers pay a premium diligent, but at some point, the premium is not paid, even for a certain time limit.

Insurance Companies errors 
Apart from the client's view, failure to pay insurance money can also be caused by errors caused by insurance companies. There is some truth, but rather a common fact that there are only two:

1. Insurance Agents dishonesty in the presentation of an insurance product
Your insurance agent may not be honest in the presentation of life insurance products. For example, when they met, he said the insurance company will pay the sum assured if death is caused by critical illness insurance life even when the risk occurs in the first year. Although it is generally not the case.

2. Companies that are not good
If you find that you have met all the requirements to be honest in filling out the declaration, diligently paid premiums, submitting a claim submission is within a certain period, but claims that are not paid, try to check back. This could be a company that is not good.

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